附录: 失败原因概览
P/C/R110 cus_name_wrong | 买家姓名错误 customer's name is wrong | 客户应使用正确的姓名重试。 The customer should try again using the correct card name. |
P/C/R111 cus_idno_wrong | 买家身份证号错误 customer's identity number is wrong | 客户应使用正确的身份证号重试。 The customer should try again using the correct id number. |
P/C/R112 cus_age_wrong | 买家年龄错误 customer's age is wrong | 客户应使用正确的年龄重试。 The customer should try again using the correct ager. |
P/C/R113 cus_zip_wrong | 买家邮编错误 customer's zip is wrong | 客户应使用正确的帐单邮政编码重试。 The customer should try again using the correct billing ZIP/postal code. |
P/C/R114 cus_address_wrong | 买家地址错误 customer's address is wrong | 客户应使用正确的地址重试。 The customer should try again using the correct address. |
P/C/R120 card_brand_wrong | 卡品牌错误 card brand is wrong | 客户应使用另一张卡。 The customer should use another card. |
P/C/R121 card_number_wrong | 卡号错误 card number is wrong | 客户应使用正确的卡号重试。 The customer should try again using the correct card number. |
P/C/R122 card_cvv_wrong | 卡cvv错误 card cvv is wrong | 客户应使用正确的 CVC 重试。 The customer should try again using the correct CVC. |
P/C/R123 card_password_wrong | 卡密码错误 card password is wrong | 客户应使用正确的 PIN 重试。 The customer should try again using the correct PIN. |
P/C/R124 card_smscode_wrong | 卡验证码错误 card smscode is wrong | 客户应使用正确的 SMS码重试。 The customer should try again using the correct SMSCODE. |
P/C/R125 card_phoneno_wrong | 卡预留电话错误 card phoneno is wrong | 客户需要联系他们的发卡机构以检查该卡是否正常工作。 The customer needs to contact their card issuer to check that the card is working correctly. |
P/C/R126 card_exp_wrong | 卡有效期错误 card expire date is wrong | 客户应使用正确的到期日期重试。 The customer should try again using the correct expiration date. |
P/C/R127 card_status_invalid | 卡状态失效 card status is invalid | 客户应使用另一张卡。 The customer should use another card. |
P/C/R128 card_not_supported | 卡不支持 card is not supported | 客户需要联系他们的发卡机构以确保他们的卡可以用于进行此类购买。 The customer needs to contact their card issuer to make sure their card can be used to make this type of purchase. |
P/C/R129 card_expired | 卡过期 card is expired | 客户应使用另一张卡。 The customer should use another card. |
P/C/R130 insufficient_balance | 卡余额不足 Insufficient card balance | 客户应使用其他付款方式。 The customer should use an alternative payment method. |
P/C/R131 card_amt_limit | 卡/电子钱包限额不足 Insufficient card/e-wallet limit | 客户应使用其他付款方式。 The customer should use an alternative payment method. |
P/C/R140 card_update_failed | 卡更新失败 Card update failed | 客户应使用另一张卡。 The customer should use another card. |
P/C/R220 Iss_Acq_Error | 发卡行/收单行错误 Issuer/Acquirer Error | 客户应联系其发卡机构以获取更多信息。 The customer should contact their card issuer for more information. |
P/C/R310 Currency_not_supported | 币种不支持 Currency not supported | |
P/C/R320 Wrong_pymt_amt | 支付金额错误 Wrong payment amount | 如果金额看起来是正确的,客户需要与他们的发卡机构确认他们可以购买该金额。 If the amount appears to be correct, the customer needs to check with their card issuer that they can make purchases of that amount. |
P/C/R340 pymt_closed | 支付关闭 Payment closed | - |
P/C/R341 pymt_failed | 支付失败 Payment failed | 请客户再次尝试付款。如果后续付款被拒绝,客户应联系其发卡机构以获取更多信息。 Ask the customer to attempt the payment again. If subsequent payments are declined, the customer should contact their card issuer for more information. |
P/C/R342 pymt_refusal | 支付拒绝 Payment refusal | 请客户再次尝试付款。如果后续付款被拒绝,客户应联系其发卡机构以获取更多信息。 Ask the customer to attempt the payment again. If subsequent payments are declined, the customer should contact their card issuer for more information. |
P/C/R350 pymt_in_prog | 支付进行中 Payment in progress | - |
P/C/R351 Error_in_pymt_process | 支付进程中错误 Error in payment process | - |
P/C/R360 Duplicate_order/operation | 订单/操作重复 Duplicate order/operation | 检查最近的付款是否已经存在。 Check to see if a recent payment already exists. |
P/C/R370 Wrong_pymt_type | 支付类型错误 Wrong payment type | 客户需要联系他们的发卡机构以确保他们的卡可以用于进行此类购买。 The customer needs to contact their card issuer to make sure their card can be used to make this type of purchase. |
P/C/R380 Transaction_needs_to_be_verified | 交易需要验证 Transaction needs to be verified | 在交易过程中出现提示时,客户应重试并验证他们的卡。如果发卡机构在经过身份验证的交易中返回此拒绝代码,客户需要联系他们的发卡机构以获取更多信息。 The customer should try again and authenticate their card when prompted during the transaction. If the card issuer returns this decline code on an authenticated transaction, the customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information. |
P/C/R400 Subscription_failed/invalid | 订阅失败/失效 Subscription failed/invalid | - |
P/C/R610 ongoing_dispute | 存在进行中的争议 There is an ongoing dispute | - |
P/C/R620 Disputes_not_allowed | 争议不允许 Disputes not allowed | - |
P/C/R700 3DS_verification_failed | 3DS验证失败 3DS verification failed | 应再次尝试付款。如果仍然无法处理,客户需要联系他们的发卡机构。 The payment should be attempted again. If it still cannot be processed, the customer needs to contact their card issuer. |
P/C/R810 Suspected_fraud | 疑似欺诈 Suspected fraud | 不要向您的客户报告更详细的信息。相反,请按照generic_decline下面描述的方式呈现。 Do not report more detailed information to your customer. Instead, present as you would the generic_decline described below. |
P/C/R811 fme_review | 风控系统待复查 The order is marked for review by FME. | - |
P/C/R812 fme_reject | 风控拒绝 The order is rejected by FME. | - |
P/C/R820 Card_lost | 卡挂失 Card lost | 拒绝的具体原因不应向客户报告。相反,它需要以通用性拒绝的形式呈现。 The specific reason for the decline should not be reported to the customer. Instead, it needs to be presented as a generic decline. |
P910 generic_decline | 通用性拒绝 generic decline | 请客户再次尝试付款。如果后续付款被拒绝,客户应联系其发卡机构以获取更多信息。 Ask the customer to attempt the payment again. If subsequent payments are declined, the customer should contact their card issuer for more information. |
P920 Riskpara_invalid | 风控参数缺失 Risk para invalid | - |
P/C/R010 System_timeout | 系统超时 System timeout | 请客户再次尝试付款。如果后续付款被拒绝,客户应联系其发卡机构以获取更多信息。 Ask the customer to attempt the payment again. If subsequent payments are declined, the customer should contact their card issuer for more information. |